| Beginning Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 Smooth Moves, Sunday Aug 25 ONLY* 6:30-7:30 Intro to Swing 7:30-8:00 *A special drop-in class for leads to learn some super cool moves, follows get in free! Next Month's Classes: | Beginning Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 Intermediate Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 Intro to Swing 7:30-8:00 | This Month at Swingin' Sunday: | THIS SUNDAY we're having a silly competition that you should definitely enter! It's called the Chicken Snacker. Do it, you won't regret it. Wondering just how silly our silly competitions get? Let us harken back to March's St. Patty's Day Competition. . . We will have our August Birthday Jam on Sunday, August 25th. If your birthday is in August, don't miss it! | Travel Opportunities: | If you're looking to meet more dancers and skyrocket your skills, there's no better way to do it than by traveling to some regional events! 'Tis the season for dancing in the Midwest. Check it out: Cowtown Jamborama in Omaha, NE September 19-22 Southern Fried Swing in Greenwood, AK, September 27-29 Sweepin Swing in Tulsa, OK, October 11-13 All Follow's Eve in Fort Worth, TX November 1-3 Nevermore Jazz Ball in St. Louis, Missouri November 7-10 | The Funny Section: Watching the Swingouts get Faster and Faster in a Tap-Out Competition:  | | | | | | | Smooth Moves Special to Replace Collegiate Shag If you had planned to take this month's Collegiate Shag class, but couldn't make it, you're in luck! Collegiate Shag will be postponed to a later month. Stay tuned to the newsletter to find out when it will run. If you hadn't planned to take Collegiate Shag, you should think about it! Check out Shannon and Bill Butler showing off this high-energy dance at the Hot Rhythm Holiday in Austin, TX, in 2010. Click on the picture to watch the video! Meanwhile, WSDS's swing dance instructor extraordinaire Evan Borst is cooking up something special to take the place of the Collegiate Shag class on the last Sunday of the month. For one night only, he'll be teaching Smooth Moves, a class geared towards leaders who want to get fancy on the dance floor! Follows get in free, and we've never offered something like this before, so you don't want to miss it! | WSDS Dancers to Perform at Avita Senior Comunity Few people appreciate swing dancing like those who were there when it was created in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. That's why it's so satisfying to perform for senior citizens, who not only love to see the dances they remember, but also have priceless memories to share with us about the culture we love so well. On Saturday, Agust 17th, a number of local dancers will be putting on a free show at the Avita seniors' community, at 2114 N 127th Street East. Starting at 2:00, The Lindy Bombers, The Shiny Stockings, and Five Moes named Guy* will perform a series of numbers, both original and classic, for whomever is able to attend. WSDS members are welcome to come support the dancers with applause and enthusiasm, and to socialize with the Avita community. *No idea who the Five Moes Named Guy are? Keep on reading to find out. . . | | Wichita's Own Shiny Stockings Invited to Perform in Dallas, TX If you've attended either the WSDS Christmas party or Sunflower Swing any time in the past couple of years, then you know the Shiny Stockings.  The Shiny Stockings Performing at Sunflower Swing 2013 This local all-female jazz troupe has been performing in Wichita since 2011, and has recently been invited to perform at Dallas's All Follow's Eve event on Saturday, November 2nd. It will be the team's first regional performance, and an important step for the Wichita swing dance scene as we continue establishing a strong presence in the Midwest. Be sure to congratulate these talented dancers when you see them on Sunday! WSDS Members Launch Wichita's First All-Male Jazz Troupe The Shiny Stockings aren't the only jazz troupe in town. Nick Meyer, WSDS Tech Guru, has kicked off an all-male group, currently operating under the name Five Moes Named Guy. The team meets on biweekly on Mondays to practice solo movement and expand their jazz vocabulary. In the coming year, the team hopes to grow its membership and lay the groundwork for their first few performances. If you're interested in joining Five Moes Named Guy, email Nick Meyer. | | | | | | | | The first air step to be performed in a swing dance was Frankie Manning's "over the back," pictured here:  The move not only won the competition for Frankie and his partner, Frieda Washington, it sparked a trend that has become a defining characteristic of swing dancing. Watch Frankie tell the story in his own words here. Steals and Deals: | Are you a WSDS member? If not, consider joining this month! A one-year membership costs less than one month of classes for a non-member. The monthly savings accumulates to pay for the membership in 3 months of regular attendance! For more details, visit our website. | | More Swing Dancing in Wichita:: Next Wednesday, August 14th, join us at the Wright Brothers Bar from 6:30-9:00pm for drinks and dancing! Please remember to purchase beverages to support the venue. Check the Facebook album for pics of last month's Wright Bros Night. Want more swing dancing in your life? The Lindy Bombers meet every Monday night for a lesson at 7:30pm. Check out their website for details! | Video of the Week: Watch Frankie Manning's legendary dancing and hear more about that magical first air step in this video. | Editor's Note Since taking over authorship of the weekly newsletter, I find myself having all sorts of personal opinions and thoughts I'd like to share. They aren't particularly news, and they may not be relevant to everyone. But, in my five years of dancing in Wichita, the WSDS community has taught me a lot about swing dancing and swing dance culture, and I'd like to give some of that back. In the coming weeks, keep an eye on this space if you're interested to hear my thoughts on subjects like switching partners during dance lessons, how to get the most out of classes, how to best enjoy social dances, and much, much more. Feel free to email me your responses, as well! Have a great week everyone, I'll see you on Sunday! Chelsea Rothschild | |
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