*Beginning Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 *Solo Jazz Potpourri 6:30-7:30 Intro to Swing 7:30-8:00 *Students must register by 12/1 to take this class. Next Month's Classes: | *Beginning Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 *Intermediate Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 Intro to Swing 7:30-8:00 *Students must register by 1/5 to take this class. | This Month at Swingin' Sunday: | 12/1 - Dance Card Sunday with special prizes 12/8 - All Star J&J 12/15 - Christmas Party, Live Bands, Performances 12/22 - DJ Battle 12/29 - Live performance | Travel Opportunities: | The busiest season for dancing in the midwest is at it's end! Things will pick up again in Spring of 2014, and until then, you might be interested in Hot Rhythm Holiday in Austin, TX, Jan 23-26, 2014 | The Funny Section: When I'm DJing, and I get a request for Neo-Swing  | | | | | | SWINGIN SUNDAY CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER The WSDS board has decided to cancel dance tonight, in the interest of everyone's safety. Please Be careful if you're out on those roads! We will resume next week, and there will be the last performance of the year to look forward to! | | Another Happy Christmas Party Thank you very much to all who attended last week's Christmas party! We has a great time dancing to Branjae and her Swing Sets. Here's a little teaser from the Facebook photo album: We also had some great live performances to watch, including Five Moes Named Guy in their debut: Click for Video And also the Shiny Stockings: Click for Video Hot Rhythm Revival also graced the stage with a new number. If anybody has video of that routine, please let me know! | | Sunflower Swing is Coming! Every year, the WSDS throws a weekend-long extravaganza known as Sunflower Swing. With dances Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, lessons all day Saturday and Sunday, performances, competitions, and hoards of out-of-town guests, it's by far our biggest event of the year. This year the event will take place April 25th-27th. Registration opens NEW YEARS DAY, and the first 14 registrants will pay just $70 for the whole weekend. Prices go up after that, so don't miss out! Keep and eye on the weekly, your Facebook feed, and this website for updates pertaining to Sunflower Swing. | | | | | | | | | | | Your board of directors is already planning for Sunflower Swing 2014. As we begin to define the details of the event, we want to hear from you! Do you know of a venue that we could use for classes or dances? We're open to any suggestions you might have! Email us and let us know where you'd like to dance this year! We Need YOU: | The WSDS is looking for volunteers to help us manage Sunday nights! If you've been dancing with us for a while, and would like a chance to give something back to the scene, please email us and let us know! We will really appreciate your help. There might even be a hug in it for you. | | More Swing Dancing in Wichita: If you want to take your swing dancing to the next level, check out the Lindy Bombers! This local dance club has been meeting every Monday evening for years, working on swing dance vocabulary, technique, and musicality. The Lindy Bombers can also put you in touch with the Shiny Stockings and Five Moes Named Guy, Wichita's solo-jazz troupes. And, if you're REALLY motivated, the Lindy Bombers are also your gateway to Hot Rhythm Revival, Wichita's competitive swing dancing team. There are lots of options out there, come check them out! | Video of the Week: Next week's Swingin' Sunday will feature our ast live performance of the year, danced by some of the Shiny Stockings. Check out this video of some of the dancers who inspire our local solo teams. | |
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