*Beginning Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 *Collegiate Shag 6:30-7:30 Intro to Swing 7:30-8:00 *Students must register by 2/2 to take this class. Next Month's Classes: | *Beginning Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 *Intermediate Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 Intro to Swing 7:30-8:00 *Students must register by 3/2 to take this class. | This Month at Swingin' Sunday: | 2/2 - Dance Card Sunday 2/16 - Classy dress night 2/23 - Strictly Competition. Birthday Jam | Travel Opportunities: | Believe it or not, it's that time again! Spring is coming up, and with it, a bevy of opportunities for dance events in the Midwest. Heartland Swing Festival in Des Moines, IA, Feb 28- March 2 Hawkeye Swing Festival in Iowa City, IA, March 4-6 SUNFLOWER SWING in WICHITA, April 25-27 Greenwood Swingout in Tulsa, OK, May 15-19 Dallas Lindy Workshop in Dallas, TX, June 30-May1 | The Funny Section: You and Your Partner, After Tonight's Strictly  | | | | | | It's Time to Throw Down Good morning dancers! It's the last Sunday of February, and you know what that means: Tonight we have the Strictly competition! There are still a couple of open slots for you and your partner to enter. The contest will take place during the regular dance tonight, and the winning couple will receive free entrance into the Strictly competition at Sunflower Swing. Sign up at the front desk tonight, and come prepared to leave it all on the dance floor! | | WSDS Looking Spiffy We had a great turnout for Classy night last week, so thank you all for coming! There was a pleasing assortment of eye candy, thanks to everyone's participation in the dress-up theme: See more photos in the Facebook album! We also had a performance by the Lindy Bombers! Here's a video, in case you missed it: | Looking Ahead to March & April So, March is a 5-Sunday month this year. And in April, we'll be missing out on one Sunday of classes because of Sunflower Swing. So, we're going to give March's extra Sunday to April, so that both months get 4 weeks of classes. Got it? Don't worry, the people at the front desk will be there to remind you. For reference, here's how it will work: March 2 - Beginning/Intermediate Lindy March 9 - Beginning/Intermediate Lindy March 16 - Beginning/Intermediate Lindy March 23 - Beginning/Intermediate Lindy March 30* - Beginning Lindy/ Blues April 6 - Beginning Lindy/Blues April 13 - Beginning Lindy/Blues April 20 - Beginning Lindy/Blues April 27 - Beginning Lindy/Blues * Also SOUL NIGHT!!!!! | | | Sunflower Swing Update Registrations are rolling in for Sunflower Swing! All of the $80 weekend passes have been purchased, and now the cost to register is $90. That's still $10 cheaper than registering at the event, so it's not too late to save yourself some money! Event t-shirts are also for sale for $20. This year, the Sunflower Swing team has put forth an unprecedented amount of effort to find a GOOD QUALITY, COMFORTABLE t-shirt that you'll be sure to get plenty of wear out of. The shirt features original Sunflower Swing artwork on a blue background. Here's a preview:  Order your t-shirt and get your weekend passat sunflowerswing.com. You can also register at the front desk on any Sunday between now and the event. Sunflower Swing will be happening RIGHT HERE IN WICHITA from Friday, April 25 - Sunday, April 27, 2014. We will bring in instructors Laura Glaess and Mike Roberts from Texas, and Shauna Marble and Mark Godwin from Colorado. They'll be here for THREE dances and TWO FULL DAYS of workshops. You don't want to miss it! | | | | | | | | | | | | Planning to register for Sunflower Swing? You can register for a reduced price is you volunteer during the event. Email us for details! We Need YOU: | The WSDS is looking for volunteers to help us manage Sunday nights! If you've been dancing with us for a while, and would like a chance to give something back to the scene, please email us and let us know! We will really appreciate your help. There might even be a hug in it for you. | | More Swing Dancing in Wichita: If you want to take your swing dancing to the next level, check out the Lindy Bombers! This local dance club has been meeting every Monday evening for years, working on swing dance vocabulary, technique, and musicality. The Lindy Bombers can also put you in touch with the Shiny Stockings and Five Moes Named Guy, Wichita's solo-jazz troupes. And, if you're REALLY motivated, the Lindy Bombers are also your gateway to Hot Rhythm Revival, Wichita's competitive swing dancing team. There are lots of options out there, come check them out! | Video of the Week: To continue my current historical kick, I present this Frankie Manning tribute video. | |
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