*Beginning Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 *Intermediate Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 Intro to Swing 7:30-8:00 *Students must register by 1/5 to take this class. Next Month's Classes: | *Beginning Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 *Collegiate Shag 6:30-7:30 Intro to Swing 7:30-8:00 *Students must register by 1/5 to take this class. | This Month at Swingin' Sunday: | 1/5 - Dance Card Sunday, SOUL NIGHT 1/19 - Solo Competition | Travel Opportunities: | The busiest season for dancing in the Midwest is at its end! Things will pick up again in Spring of 2014, and until then, you might be interested in Hot Rhythm Holiday in Austin, TX, Jan 23-26, 2014 | The Funny Section: When You Disagree with the Judges After Watching a Competition  | | | | | | WSDS Dances at the Wright Brothers Third Wednesday of Every Month Good morning dancers! It's a beautiful Sunday in Wichita, and I hope to see LOTS of you at dance tonight. It won't be your last chance to dance this week, because on Wednesday night we'll be dancing at the Wright Brothers bar on west Kellogg! We've enjoyed our dances there so much in the past that we've engaged the venue for the third Wednesday of EVERY month, so mark your calendars! As usual, WSDS DJ Extraordinaire Evan Borst will be playing all your favorite music from 6-9pm, the bar and restaurant will be open for your enjoyment, and the dance floor will be ready for you! Remember, this event is for dancers aged 21 or older. | | Solo Dance Contest Jan. 19 Remember last month's Solo Jazz Potpourri series class? Well, not for nothing did we give you the chance to brush up on your solo skills! This month on the 19th, we will hold a solo dance competition for all who are bold enough to enter! Partner dancing isn't the ONLY way to Swing, and we hope to see lots of you strut your stuff at the contest! Never seen a solo contest before? Here's one I really like:
Click for Video | | Sunflower Swing Update The early bird price has been snapped up by 14 lucky buyers, and passes to Sunflower Swing are now $80. Head on over to the registration page on sunflowerswing.com and get yours while you can; the price will continue to go up! You can also register at the front desk on any Sunday between now and the event. Sunflower Swing will be happening RIGHT HERE IN WICHITA from Friday, April 25 - Sunday, April 27, 2014. We will bring in instructors Laura Glaess and Mike Roberts from Texas, and Shauna Marble and Mark Godwin from Colorado. They'll be here for THREE dances and TWO FULL DAYS of workshops. You don't want to miss it! | | | Editor's Note: On Being a Good Audience Member Earlier this week, a friend emailed me to vent about something she saw in a YouTube video. It was a video of a great dance performance, and my friend was irritated because the audience made practically NO noise during the whole thing. That's what inspired this week's Editor's Note. One of the wonderful things about Swing dance culture is how excited all dancers are for all other dancers. If you go to see a ballet, you might notice the audience clapping after especially magnificent sequences in the performance. But, during a Swing show, they clap THE WHOLE TIME. There are whoops, hollers, whistles, and cheers galore. At least, that's how it works in theory. And that dynamic creates a feedback loop of awesome. The performers inspire the audience, the audience goes crazy, which energizes the performers to be MORE inspiring, and so on. I take pride in the fact that in Wichita, we actually have a great audience for most performances. Take a listen to some of the YouTube videos from Sunday nights and Sunflower Swing. You'll hear unintelligible cheers, shouts of encouragement to performers by name, and even the occasional "WORK THAT SKIRT!" (or 'dem jeans. Whatever.) I encourage those of you who are too shy to get loud to give it a try - it may enhance the experience of watching a show in ways you don't expect. And I encourage those of you who are already loudmouths to infect the rest of the Swing dance audience population. A good crowd is just as important as the performers in a show! Got thoughts? Email me. - Chelsea Rothschild | | | | | | | | | | Planning to register for Sunflower Swing? You can register for a reduced price is you volunteer during the event. Email us for details! We Need YOU: | The WSDS is looking for volunteers to help us manage Sunday nights! If you've been dancing with us for a while, and would like a chance to give something back to the scene, please email us and let us know! We will really appreciate your help. There might even be a hug in it for you. | | More Swing Dancing in Wichita: If you want to take your swing dancing to the next level, check out the Lindy Bombers! This local dance club has been meeting every Monday evening for years, working on swing dance vocabulary, technique, and musicality. The Lindy Bombers can also put you in touch with the Shiny Stockings and Five Moes Named Guy, Wichita's solo-jazz troupes. And, if you're REALLY motivated, the Lindy Bombers are also your gateway to Hot Rhythm Revival, Wichita's competitive swing dancing team. There are lots of options out there, come check them out! | Video of the Week: |
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