*Beginning Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 *Blues 6:30-7:30 Intro to Swing 7:30-8:00 *Students must register by 4/6 to take this class. Next Month's Classes: | *Beginning Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 *Intermediate Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 Intro to Swing 7:30-8:00 *Students must register by 4/6 to take this class. | This Month at Swingin' Sunday: | 3/9 - Same Gender Dance Competition 3/30 - SOUL NIGHT | Travel Opportunities: | Believe it or not, it's that time again! Spring is coming up, and with it, a bevy of opportunities for dance events in the Midwest. SUNFLOWER SWING in WICHITA, April 25-27 Greenwood Swingout in Tulsa, OK, May 15-19 Dallas Lindy Workshop in Dallas, TX, June 30-May 1 KC Stomp in Kansas City, MO, July 11-13 | The Funny Section: Let's get familiar with our Sunflower Swing crew mascots: The Wallaby:  The Platypus:  The Lynx:  The Okapi:  The Mongoose:  | | | | | | April Classes & Events Good morning dancers! April is here at last, and that means all kinds of exciting things for the WSDS! We will be hosting the event that puts the WSDS on the map: Sunflower Swing! That means that there will be no series class on 4/27, so April's series classes will be discounted. Members will pay $15 and non-members will pay $24 for April's Blues and Beginning Lindy Hop series. | THREE Weeks til Sunflower Swing! By now, you should be registered for Sunflower Swing! You should have your t-shirt ordered, and your team should be entered in the 60 second showdown! The website has been updated with detailed class information. You ought to check it out, because we are trying something new and different for classes this year. Workshop attendees will be able to choose 3 electives from an enticing menu of choices for Saturday afternoon. Then, on Sunday, everyone will take a pre-determined schedule of classes in "crews." Each crew will take at least 1 section of class with each OTHER crew, so there will be a lot of opportunity to mix with our out-of-town guests. This also means we'll be dispensing with the oft-flawed audition process that can ruin an event for even a seasoned dancer. Did I mention that the crews have simply FABULOUS names? Check these out: The Whackadoo Wallabies The Preposterous Platypi The Loquacious Lynxes The Outrageous Okapi The Mischievous Mongeese Take a look at the funny section to get to know these mascots. And, to complete the weekend experience for each crew: There will be a special project on Sunday. I can't reveal too much here, but it WILL be fun and there WILL be a reward at stake! | | | | | | | | | | | We are still looking for HOSTS and VOLUNTEERS for Sunflower Swing! If you have any capacity for hosting out-of-town dancers, or any ability to help us out at the event, please Email us! We Need YOU: | The WSDS is looking for volunteers to help us manage Sunday nights! If you've been dancing with us for a while, and would like a chance to give something back to the scene, please email us and let us know! We will really appreciate your help. There might even be a hug in it for you. | | More Swing Dancing in Wichita: If you want to take your swing dancing to the next level, check out the Lindy Bombers! This local dance club has been meeting every Monday evening for years, working on swing dance vocabulary, technique, and musicality. The Lindy Bombers can also put you in touch with the Shiny Stockings and Five Moes Named Guy, Wichita's solo-jazz troupes. And, if you're REALLY motivated, the Lindy Bombers are also your gateway to Hot Rhythm Revival, Wichita's competitive swing dancing team. There are lots of options out there, come check them out! | Video of the Week: Here's half an hour worth of awesome Jack & Jill action at ILHC 2013. Watch this video for all kinds of inspiration. | |
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