*Beginning Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 *Intermediate Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 Intro to Swing 7:30-8:00 *Students must register by 3/2 to take this class. Next Month's Classes: | *Beginning Lindy Hop 6:30-7:30 *Blues 6:30-7:30 Intro to Swing 7:30-8:00 *Students must register by 3/6 to take this class. | This Month at Swingin' Sunday: | 3/9 - Same Gender Dance Competition 3/30 - SOUL NIGHT | Travel Opportunities: | Believe it or not, it's that time again! Spring is coming up, and with it, a bevy of opportunities for dance events in the Midwest. Hawkeye Swing Festival in Iowa City, IA, March 4-6 SUNFLOWER SWING in WICHITA, April 25-27 Greenwood Swingout in Tulsa, OK, May 15-19 Dallas Lindy Workshop in Dallas, TX, June 30-May1 | The Funny Section: When that perfect partner agrees to do a Strictly with you:  | | | | | | GOOD NEWS: Spangles Gig to Happen on the Regular Good morning dancers! Thanks to WSDS VP Megan Pfieffer, we now have a regular FREE night of dancing that's open to all ages! If you attended this month's Spangles evening, you know that we had a great turnout and everyone had a good time. Now we can look forward to the same opportunity on the first Thursday of every month. Thanks, Megan! | | Correction: March/April Classes Last week's flyer erroneously reported that March series classes were discounted due to the weather cancellation early in the month. However, because March is a 5-Sunday month, series class participants will still be able to attend the usual number of classes, and pricing has been left unadjusted accordingly. Prior to the snow day cancellation, we had also announced that April would borrow the last Sunday in March in order to round out it's series classes, since there will be no series class on 4/27, which is the Sunday of Sunflower Swing. Since March had to reposses it's Sunday, April is now left with only 3 series nights, so April's series classes will be discounted. Members will pay $15 and non-members will pay $24 for April's Blues series. And, just as a small hint, you might want to take advangate of this series. I have it on good authority that there will be a slow jams night on Swingin' Sunday in the near future. . . | Six Weeks til Suflower Swing! That's right folks, we are in the home stretch! Hopefully you are registered by how, buf if not, head to the event website and get it done. If you have registered, here are some other things you don't want to forget: - Event T-shirts this year are extra awesome. You can pre-order on the registration tap of the website. - Competitions this year will include Wichita's original Chicken Sandwich and 60 Second Showdown, along with the more traditional Jack & Jill, and a bracket-elimination Strictly. Signup for the Chicken Sandwich, the Strictly, and the Jack & Jill will be at the front door on the event weekend. Signup for the 60 Second Showdown must be done in advance. Stay tuned for details about how to sign up. - Our volunteer schedule isn't QUITE full, so come talk to us at the front desk tonight if you want to knock a few dollars off your registration cost. | Editor's Note: On Dancing with Students I have a confession to make: I never ask instructors to dance. Ok, maybe never isn't quite accurate. What I should say is: I never ask instructor's to dance, unless we have danced before and they enjoyed it, or I knew them before they became instructors. I don't think I'm alone in this boat - I think many of us are too intimidated or shy to step up and do it - but I think I should get out of it. My change of heart took place just last Wednesday, when one of my own students confessed that he had never asked me to dance before becuase he was afraid I would criticize him the whole time. And I was frankly shocked by how ridiculous that seemed to me. When I dance, with ANYBODY, my goal is always the same: Have a good time. If my partner is awesome, I do my best to express the music well in the context of our partnership. If my partner is a complete beginner. . . I do my best to express the music well in the context of our partnership. I have be a dance instructor, but I'm a dancer first. The instructing part is really cool, and I love doing it, but it's also work. And, make no mistake, I do not get out on the dance floor to work. I would never choose to ruin a perfectly good chance to socially follow by giving an uninvited lesson on the fly. And I'd be pretty surprised, now that I have this perspective, if another instructor did that same thing to me. What's more, when students don't ask instructors to dance, that leaves all the instructors with a very small pool of partners. I used to dance all night every Sunday. Now my total number of dances hovers near 5. Of course, I can ask students to dance and fix that problem on my own, but it's something to keep in mind if you feel too intimidated to ask a certain person: You may be their best chance of dancing in that moment. So, with some shyness-related qualms, I'm telling myself I'll ask more instructors to dance. I hope you'll tell yourself the same thing. | | | | | | | | | | | | | Planning to register for Sunflower Swing? You can register for a reduced price is you volunteer during the event. Email us for details! We Need YOU: | The WSDS is looking for volunteers to help us manage Sunday nights! If you've been dancing with us for a while, and would like a chance to give something back to the scene, please email us and let us know! We will really appreciate your help. There might even be a hug in it for you. | | More Swing Dancing in Wichita: If you want to take your swing dancing to the next level, check out the Lindy Bombers! This local dance club has been meeting every Monday evening for years, working on swing dance vocabulary, technique, and musicality. The Lindy Bombers can also put you in touch with the Shiny Stockings and Five Moes Named Guy, Wichita's solo-jazz troupes. And, if you're REALLY motivated, the Lindy Bombers are also your gateway to Hot Rhythm Revival, Wichita's competitive swing dancing team. There are lots of options out there, come check them out! | Video of the Week: This weekend in Houston, TX, there's a whole lotta dancin' goin' on. It's a bit of a drive from Wichita, but a few local diehards make the journey each year to Southwest Lindyfest and the Lone Start Championships. Here's a video of this year's instructor lineup. It's HUGE! | |
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